Monday, 6 July 2009

Was wandering around Iain Abernethy's excellent website earlier and was amused to read that one of his friends or contributors, not sure which, believed that a kick to the head was about as much use as a punch to the shin.

Not certain that I go along with that as I was at a competition last year watching some male seniors. One of them decides to execute a spinning kick and caught his opponents temple which sent him crashing in a heap to the floor. It was a good five minutes before he was able to get off the stretcher after being carried off by the meds.......

I can see what he means though as in a street situation there will be more time to do a disabling knee stamp than an arty farty Jackie Chan manoeuvre!

I had a spinny roundy kick done on me once by a black belt a couple of years ago in sparring - not a terribly good one I might add and I managed to duck under the kick which disoriented me a bit and while I was down there I punched him in the bollocks much to his disgust (and mine).

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